Gold ounce
The Gold Ounce Programme has been created for customers who are planning to collect bigger quantities of investment gold by making regular purchases.
Programme of systematic savings in gold
It assumes customized frequency deliveries of one or more ounces of gold (once a month or once a quarter) at a preferential price. We deliver our products exclusively in the territory of Poland.
The price of one ounce of investment gold is calculated according to the rate of USD to PLN and current gold prices. It changes adequately to fluctuations in the aforementioned factors. Under the "Gold Ounce" programme, the price is reduced depending on the number of ounces ordered per year specified in an agreement with the Mint of Poland. This guarantees a better deal for all those who are interested in long-term investments based on the mechanism working out an average of the purchase price of a single gold ounce.
Join the programme
In order to conclude your agreement, please contact and provide us with your contact details, identity card number and national personal identification number (in Polish: PESEL).
You will receive your agreement drawn up in two copies to the indicated address. To be accepted, it must be signed on each page (both copies and its annex) and sent back to the address of the Mint of Poland. After verifying the agreement, one copy with signatures of the representatives of the Mint of Poland will be sent back to you.
Completion of sales
Once the copies of your agreement have been signed by the representatives of the Mint of Poland, you become a fully-fledged participant in our "Gold Ounce" programme. According to the declared frequency of purchase, on the third working day of the following month, or on the first day of the month following the quarter, in order to implement your order, you will receive a pro forma invoice containing all information necessary to make a payment to our bank account.
See also
Feel free to use our supplementary services
Contact us
To get more information, please contact:

Waliców 11 St.,
00-851 Warszawa