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Competitive edge is one of the keystones of our business activity. It also helps us achieve our non-business goals.

Supporting important social and cultural initiatives is of utmost importance to us. We also pay great attention to respond to the needs of our stakeholders.

So far, we have engaged in numerous events devoted to children and young people staying at risk of social exclusion. We do understand how vital it is to protect the historical and cultural legacy of our country. The ideas of supporting our employees and protecting the natural environment are of no less importance to us.

Our projects

Business is not only about making money. This is why we support social and cultural initiatives.
Cała reszta to szczęście

"All the Change is Happiness"

The Mint of Poland supporting the TVN Foundation “You Are Not Alone"

Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity

The Mint of Poland – longtime partner of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity

The Change in Your Hands

Joint action of the Mint of Poland and UNICEF
Pamiętników króla Stanisława Augusta

Royal Łazienki Musem in Warsaw

The Mint of Poland – patron of the Royal Łazienki Musem in Warsaw


We focus on development of our employees and giving support to young talents
Mennica Polska - reprezentacja piłkarska

Our Employees

The Mint of Poland for its employees
The Green company

Green Mint

For the sake of high standards and protection of the environment.
Karate World Championship

Karate World Championship

The Mint of Poland participated in the organization of the Karate World Championship.
Olimpiady Wiedzy Ekonomicznej

Economic Knowledge Contest

The Mint of Poland supporting economic education of the youth

Mennica Polska wsparła pokaz Gosi Baczyńskiej

For Art

The Mint of Poland supported the show of Gosia Baczyńska
Civitas Christiana

Civitas Christiana

The Mint of Poland supports young talents