
The final repurchase price of gold is the LBMA Gold Price AM, in Polish zlotys, less 2%.

The formula, according to which the price of gold is calculated, is the following:

1g Au = ((LBMA Gold Price AM : 31.1035) × USD/PLN* rate) × 0.98

* the middle rate of USD from the “Middle exchange rates of foreign currencies – table A” calculated by Narodowy Bank Polski (the National Bank of Poland).

The Mint of Poland has the right to refuse to repurchase gold bullion in the absence of gold bullion original packaging or damage made to such original packaging.

Check how much your gold is worth:

Number of grammes
Quotation of gold in USD/t.oz.:3.019,53
USD/PLN exchange rate:3,8601
Quote time used for calculation 26.03.2025 10:50
These prices are only trade information and do not constitute an offer under the provisions of Art. 66 § § 1 of the Civil Code.

Gold bullion repurchase procedure

1. Notify the Mint of Poland of your intention to sell your gold bullion via e-mail at:, or deliver the information in person at the Mint of Poland at Annopol 3 St. in Warsaw.
2. Provide your gold bullion to the Storehouse of the Mint of Poland located at Annopol 3 St. in Warsaw and put it safe deposit (if your gold bullion is in safe deposit of the Mint of Poland – skip this step).
3. Submit your order to prepare a quote for your gold bullion at the selected LBMA Gold Price AM in the future and USD to PLN middle exchange rate of Narodowy Bank Polski (the National Bank of Poland) of the same day. Such order can be submitted in person at the Mint of Poland offices, or sent by e-mail using the form below.
4. For your order to be accepted, it must be delivered to our employee by 10:30 a.m. on the same day as the selected LBMA Gold Price AM day, and receipt of such order must be confirmed by our employee. Orders submitted after 10:30 a.m. will not be accepted.
5. Submission of the confirmation of acceptance of your order delivered by our employee shall mean the acceptance of your offer by the Mint of Poland and, thus, the conclusion of a sales agreement.
6. Once your quote has been prepared (LBMA Gold Price AM is announced at about 12.30 p.m.) the sales agreement is concluded which constitutes a written confirmation of the sales agreement concluded at the time of acceptance of your order by the Mint of Poland.
7. The payment resulting from the sales agreement is transferred to the bank account of the seller within two working days of conclusion of the agreement by both parties.


See also

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 tel.: (22) 656 42 92
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