The Mint of Poland's revolutionary coin has captured the hearts of numismatic enthusiasts from four continents

26 august 2024

"The sky is not the limit" - this slogan guided the creators of the pioneering UFO concept MP-1766. The world's first flying coin is a global bestseller for the Mint of Poland. Orders for the UFO have come from four continents: Europe, Asia, Australia and North America.

Seven ounces of pure silver are set in motion thanks to a hidden motor. The electromagnetic field generated between the special stand and the mentioned motor creates a tunnel in which the “spaceship” floats in the air. This is the first project of its kind in the world. The coin has reached new owners from four continents: Europe, Asia, Australia and North America.

– The premiere of our unique coin took place in Berlin during this year's World Money Fair. At the time, reactions to the presented prototype exceeded our highest expectations. Appreciation from those who attended the prestigious event, including industry experts and competitors, confirms our ability to create a market benchmark – concluded Katarzyna Budnicka-Filipiuk, President of the Management Board of the Mint of Poland.

The intensive work of a wide range of Mint of Poland experts has made the UFO not only a flying object but also glow in the dark. The UV effect was achieved using fluorescent paint. Digital printing and selective copper plating were used in the production process to more fully enhance the aesthetic qualities.