Polish numismatic coins conquer New York

20 january 2023

More than USD 3.5 million were raised for the collection of 30 rare Polish coins sold at auction organized by New York auction house Stack’s Bowers. Among them was 1766FS Crown Ducat  – a coin minted during the reign of Stanisław August Poniatowski, the last king of Poland and founder of the Warsaw Mint, the tradition of which is continued by the Mint of Poland. The coin was sold for USD 72,000. Two coins from the State Mint, another predecessor of the Mint, were also sold at the auction.

An exciting hour worth USD 3.5 million

The Stack’s Bowers auction, held on 18 January, showcased 30 rare coins from the collection of a well-known Polish numismatic collector Antoni Taraszka. It was one of the most exciting feast for coin lovers in recent years. Within one hour, the historic coins were auctioned for a total of more than USD 3.5 million. More than USD 70,000 was paid for the 1766FS Crown Ducat, also known as Ducat with a Star. Minted during the reign of the last King of Poland in a dozen of copies, it is a real treat for collectors.

More than USD 200,000 for coins from the State Mint

Two coins minted at the State Mint during the Interbellum Period were also sold at the Stack’s Bowers auction. USD 120,000 and USD 90,000 were raised for a gold print of the 1922 100 Mark Proof Coin (the catalogues record three minted copies) and for the 1923 50 Mark Gold Coin (the catalogues record only one minted copy), respectively.

Mint of Poland continues the tradition and charts new directions

The Mint of Poland, which is the successor of both the Warsaw Mint and the State Mint, continues their best traditions in the 21st century. In its work, it combines the legacy of previous generations and top-quality craftsmanship with modern and innovative technologies to chart new directions for development.