Our activities are based on principles ​​that ensure that the Mint of Poland achieves the following goals:



Our priority is to provide broadly defined long-term growth to our business.
This approach stems from our responsibility towards our owners, customers, employees, business partners and the society.



Thanks to close contact with our customers and our professionalism, experience and business traditions, we are able to accurately identify the needs of markets in which we operate. We constantly enhance our products and services, and supervise the conditions of their realization. In this way we ensure that the best quality becomes the source of customer satisfaction.



We promote highly qualified professionals with a proactive attitude. In order to increase the Company’s know-how, we give our employees a number of opportunities for professional development and further training. We support their professional growth and provide them with necessary tools and working conditions.



We are oriented on effective and efficient processes that we improve on everyday basis, not only by drawing conclusions from our day-to-day actions, but also by setting and achieving our goals. High qualifications of our staff and the culture of development which results from the implementation of the norms ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 place our production among the most innovative monetary products. Simultaneously, our Company is recognized as one of the most technologically advanced mints in the world and a major domestic market shareholder in terms of implementation and operation of the Municipal Card System.



We care about health and safety of our employees and all parties involved in the working process.



As part of our business, we care about sustainable development, taking into account the interests of our stakeholders. We consciously and carefully select our employees, customers and business partners. We operate in accordance with applicable provisions of law and follow the principles of fair competition. We protect all information relating to our customers, contractors and employees in accordance with legal regulations, internal acts and clauses from specific contracts.

We are aware of our responsibility for the natural environment. Therefore, when performing our everyday tasks, we strive to save energy and raw materials, and hence reduce the amount of waste and harmful emissions.